Recommended hotel in Santiago de Compostela : "Reyes Catolicos" (Parador).
Built for pilgrims by Ferdinand and Isabel, this is said to be the oldest hotel in the world. I have stayed there, and
it is magnificent.
FAX: 011-34-981-56-30-94
PHONE: 011-34-981-58-22-00
This is the web camera from Obrdoiro Square in Santiago de Compostela. It probably
is raining!
I cannot begin to describe what a short visit to this city in 2000 has meant in my
life. Suffice it to say, it was a deeply moving spiritual experience, one that has had a lasting influence on me.
I have resolved to return again as a pilgrim, after having walked the whole pilgrimage trail from the Pyrenee Mountains to
this Celtic corner of the Spain.
For information about the pilgrimage, I suggest that you visit the site of the Instituto
Cervantes. Even though it is in Spanish, you can follow the various stages "etapas" of the pilgrimage by clicking on
the towns and get a feel for the riches of Spanish culture along the way: