Hotel Liabeny,
Address: Calle Salud, 3. 28013, Madrid
(Note: This is opposite Plaza del Carmen between Gran Via and Puerta del Sol)
Telephone in Spain: 91 531 90 00
Telephone from US:. (011-34) 91 531 90 00
Fax from US: (011-34) 91 532 74 21
During our 2007 visit, we stayed at the Hotel Intercontinental and found it to be
very comfortable, friendly and well-located.
The two leading business hotels are the Hotel Villa Magna (Park Hyatt) and the Ritz
(Royal Meridian). I prefer the Villa Magna, but the Ritz has the advantage of being located near the Prado. (I
vowed to choose a new hotel after discovering that Yasser Arafat was staying down the hall from me, with his guards outside
his door with automatic weapons.)
(Another business hotel: Westin Palace Hotel, Plaza de las Cortes, 7-28014,
Madrid; Phone: 011-34-91-360-8000; Fax: 011-34-360-8100.)